Oh man! This makes me happy, it strongly reminds me of myself the music I make....
Some things stand out that I'd like to give some friendly advise about.
First thing, STOCK SOUNDS, you gotta make your tone a little more unique, it's okay to use FL KEYS grand panio, but maybe tweak it a bit. Maybe look around for some free drum packs to get some better percussion going. Play around with combining that saw lead with maybe a bassy undertone.
SIDECHAIN your lead and bass to your kick.
ADD more sounds.
This project is the skeleton of something amazing, I feel like you "finished" this and posted it too soon. Maybe sleep on the idea, come back, add some background noise, add a bassline, add some one hit sound effect. You have unlocked the ability to use FL STUDIO and make stuff, that is the hard part.. I believe if you were to give a little more effort into this project you could turn it into something that people would be willing to listen to twice, and hum about when they're in the shower.
Something that puts you far ahead of several other people I have reviewed is you have a good sense of scales. You know what note will sound good next. Now just fill in the details.